

    Satish Chandra Mishra, Dr Pankaj Kumar


Purpose - This research delves into uncovering the intricate influence of dimension of workplace spirituality (WS) on organizational performance (OP) within the context of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The primary objective is to discern how elements of spirituality in the workplace contribute to enhancing overall organizational effectiveness and success. Design/methodology/approach: Employing a quantitative methodology, this research utilizes survey tools to collect data from a sample size of 319 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) spanning diverse sectors in India. The survey aims to assess different facets of WS and their correlation with OP. The analysis of these relationships was conducted using Smart PLS. Findings: The findings reveal a significant correlation between workplace spiritual dimensions and organizational performance indicators in SMEs. Specifically, aspects such as meaningful work and alignment of organizational values demonstrate a positive impact on the performance of organization. These results underscore the importance of integrating spiritual principles into the organizational culture of SMEs to foster growth and success. Research limitations/implications – While this study offers a thorough analysis, it faces limitations such as small sample size and potential biases in self-reported data. Moreover, focusing solely on SMEs may restrict the applicability of the findings to larger corporations. Nonetheless, the research underscores the significance of integrating WS in the SMEs as a requirement to bolster OP and sustainability. Originality/value – By providing empirical proof the study contributes to the present literature of the association between WS and OP specifically within the context of SMEs. By shedding light on this underexplored area, the study offers valuable insights for SME leaders and managers seeking to cultivate a more spiritually enriched work environment conducive to achieving sustainable success.

Keyword : Workplace Spirituality, Organizational Performance, Small and Medium Enterprises, Smart PLS, Structural equation model

Published in Issue
May 09, 2024
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