

    Niranchana Priya Viswanathan, Dr. S. Arun Kumar


This study seeks to investigate the impact of Flipped Learning on student satisfaction among postgraduate students in higher education institutions situated in South India. In order to accomplish this goal, a straightforward sample method was utilized to enlist a maximum of 360 individuals. The study employed SPSS AMOS to conduct demographic profiling, hypothesis testing, and correlation analysis. The findings suggest significant positive associations between the pedagogical, social, and technical aspects of Flipped Learning and the overall degree of satisfaction. Several key factors have been recognized as essential in fostering student satisfaction, including pedagogical expertise, instructional clarity, a safe place to learn, collaborative learning, & information and communication technology (ICT) support. The practical implications include the importance of pedagogic training, the fostering of collaborative learning spaces, and the distribution of resources toward instructional technology infrastructure. Despite the useful knowledge it provides, the study is limited by its geographical focus and reliance on self-reported data. Further inquiries could be conducted to explore the enduring effects and embrace a diverse array of student demographics, hence enhancing the generalizability of the findings. This study contributes to the expanding corpus of scholarly literature on Flipped Learning, emphasizing its potential to enhance satisfaction with learning and academic performance within the realm of higher education.

Keyword : Flipped Learning, student satisfaction, postgraduate students, pedagogical elements, educational technology.

Published in Issue
May 05, 2024
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