

    Djoko Setyo Widodo


This study delves into how Indonesian Generation Z individuals respond to innovative marketing strategies and their impact on brand perception and consumer behavior. Through meticulous reliability and validity assessments, including Cronbach’s alpha coefficients and factor analysis, our survey instrument demonstrated robust internal consistency and validity. Structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis unveiled significant relationships among latent variables, particularly brand preference, consumer engagement, and purchase decisions, highlighting the effectiveness of specific marketing strategies in shaping consumer behavior. Notably, brand awareness and consumer engagement emerged as key drivers of brand preference and purchase decisions among Generation Z. The findings offer actionable insights for marketers, emphasizing the pivotal role of online consumer engagement and strategic influencer partnerships in enhancing brand perception and driving sales. Additionally, the study advocates for ongoing research to monitor evolving consumer trends and compare responses across diverse demographic segments and geographical regions. In conclusion, this study provides valuable implications for marketers seeking to engage effectively with young Indonesian consumers, laying the groundwork for future research in this dynamic field.

Keyword : Marketing Innovation; Generation Z; Social Media; Business Growth; Digital Marketing

Published in Issue
May 05, 2024
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