The paper seeks to investigate, while acknowledging its limits, how artificial intelligence (AI) affects employee commitment and productivity at work. The study combines a qualitative research approach with a simple random sample technique. Online surveys are created using Google Forms and are used to gather data. Sixty percent of the one hundred participants are female, forty percent are male, and ninety-nine percent of responses are between the ages of twenty and forty. The findings demonstrate that AI can positively affect employee engagement and productivity. The use of computers to simulate intelligent behavior with little to no human intervention is known as artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising management practices and has a big impact on output and efficiency across a range of industries. This abstract explores the ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) has impacted management, emphasizing the ways in which AI has automated data processing, decision-making, and repetitive tasks. AI technologies, such as machine learning and predictive analytics, let managers make well-informed decisions based on huge datasets, which improves strategic planning and resource allocation. Additionally, AI-driven solutions make teamwork, communication, and project management easier, which encourages an organisational structure that is more adaptive and agile.
Keyword : Artificial Intelligence, Management, Productivity, Efficiency, Ai Technologies, Ai-Driven,
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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