Jewellery has always been an important symbol of wealth, luxury, and success in human cultures. Within these communities, the phenomena has played a significant role. This is one reason why the Jewellery has such cultural importance. Casually donning the garment was a frequent way for people to display their social standing through various means. In addition, it was essential for major life events like the birth of a child or the dowry exchange in marriages. Important times are illustrated by the following examples. The following are instances of events that are significant in their own right. Due to this scenario, Jewellery has transformed into an essential component that people use every day. Through the ages, we have seen local traditions expressed in a variety of ways. Varieties in product design and manufacturing processes are encompassed by these approaches. An increasing amount of machinery is being used in the manufacturing processes of firms these days. Although new designs have been created to accommodate changing situations, it is important to recognise that some regions have maintained their industrial traditions. Even when new designs come out, this problem still exists (Anderson., Jain, & Chintagunta, 19931). Consequently, the purpose of this research is to delve into the numerous factors that impact online Jewellery shoppers' behavioural intention and actual conduct with adequate sampling responses included in the study, per se.
Keyword : Jewellery, Online purchase, Consumer Behaviour, Marketing management, Branding.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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