With the rapid development in transportation and the emergence of information technology after 1995, the tourism industry has flourished too many folds where a large number of the human population started to move to faraway located destinations for fun and recreation and contribute a good amount of revenue for their recreational needs and other requirements related accommodation, food and shopping. With a highly competitive restaurant industry in tourism destinations, medium-scale restaurant owners ought to be more focused on running their business outlets. While restaurants are more expected as the business activities of selling only food services in the tourist destinations to satisfy the physiological requirements of travellers whereas they play an important role as the main suppliers of one of the authentic cultural experiences that travellers can experience when they are on vacations (Chuang, 2009). While considering culinary attributes and restaurant service personnel's role in providing genuine tourist experiences, supporting role in tourism destination attractiveness, and escalating the overall tourism offerings, the role of gastronomy and restaurant services in overall tourist satisfaction at tourist places should be examined. Therefore, this research paper would measure the perception and satisfaction of visitors toward food and beverage services in the Rishikesh region of Uttarakhand. The sample of 350 visitors which includes both domestic and International was collected and analyzed statistically with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics. Moreover, the tourist Satisfaction measurement scale has 17 items based on various food items and services provided in the restaurants, and tourist perception and satisfaction were recorded on these items on 5 points Likert Scale.
Keyword : Perception, Satisfaction, Food and Beverage Outlets, Service quality, Food and Culinary Tourism.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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