Social media (SM) has grown in popularity in recent years as a result of greater public awareness, a new age of organisation, information, and technology. Growing progress in electronic human resource management (e-HRM) in general, and human resource (HR) self-service technology in particular, has created revolutionary prospects for changing the design and delivery of HR services. Despite their importance, our understanding of how to enhance acceptance of these technologies is limited. Though SM appears to be an effective human resource management (HRM) tool, it is strategically important to combine research inputs from both the employers' and individuals' viewpoints in order to exploit SM effectively. Recognising this, academic scholars have been interested in SM for over a decade. However, research into SM and their usefulness is still in its early stages. To meet this demand, the current study conducts research on a sample of 80 respondents to gain a thorough understanding of the impact of SMs on three components of HRM: hiring processes, training, and communication. The study is inspired by the fact that, due to the short life cycle of social media platforms and information systems, SMs must innovate and provide value to their consumers on a regular basis.
Keyword : Social media, Recruitment, Training, Communication, e-HRM
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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