The Caspian region is a key region of the world, both in terms of its transport and logistics capabilities, and in terms of influence on the formation of international energy security. The destruction of the rich and fragile ecosystem of the Caspian Sea has brought certain risks and challenges to the development of the Caspian region, so the main task facing the Caspian countries is the necessary balance of providing mineral deposits, transporting hydrocarbons, and protecting the unique ecosystem of the Caspian Sea. The resource and logistics potential of the Caspian Sea has attracted the attention of such large countries and participants as America, the European Union, Russia, Turkey, Iran and China. In particular, the development of close cooperation with the countries of the region has acquired significant relevance for Russia in the context of the maritime doctrine, focused on economic and geopolitical consolidation in the region. In the context of the One Belt One Road strategy, China has implemented several projects in the region and proposed a C + C5 model structure to replace America’s (“C5 + 1”) structure, giving a new impetus to the existing political interaction between China and Central Asian countries within the framework of the Shanghai cooperation organizations.
Keyword : Caspian region, energy security, Central Asian countries, geopolitics, world powers in Central Asia, Belt and Road, C+C5, Shanghai Cooperation Organization
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