The purpose of this study was to ascertain the purchasing habits of working women. The online form made with Google Forms was distributed to working women in Chennai who are above the age of eighteen and have purchasing power throughout the study's data gathering phase. The study comprised a total of 187 people who willingly agreed to participate and who thoroughly completed the questionnaire. The study employed a descriptive research paradigm, and basic random sampling was utilized to get the data. Using the SPSS 22 package program, a number of statistical tests were used to analyze the data, including the "Independent T test," "KMO test," "Factor Analysis," and "Reliability." In the aspects of employed women's purchasing style views, nine components surfaced. The factors that were collected were named based on the things that comprised each factor. "Confused," "Brand Loyal," "Careless," "Contented," "Fashion Conscious," "Pleasure Conscious," "Careful and Price Conscious," and "Perfectionist" are the variables, in that order. Furthermore, the study revealed statistically significant relationships between the work status of female customers and their purchasing patterns. This study suggests that housewives are more vulnerable in terms of careless and happy dimensions, whereas employed women are more sensitive in terms of brand conscious, pleasure conscious, price conscious and cautious, and confused.
Keyword : Purchasing style, employed women, consumer behaviour.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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