

    B. Sangeetha, Dr. C. Jayamala


In an era marked by unprecedented connectivity and fast globalisation, the characteristics of entrepreneurship have advanced dramatically. The introduction of the One Person Company (OPC) framework offers a one-of-a-kind method for solo business owners to develop and establish their services. While the OPC structure provides unique benefits such as restricted responsibility and streamlined administration, the possibility of worldwide development for OPCs presents a myriad of obstacles that require cautious evaluation. This study ventures to look into the complex landscape of global development difficulties encountered by One Person Companies, carefully assessing governing social plus market characteristics. The study was conducted by adopting an empirical research method. The present study is based on primary data which was collected through a google form using a convenient sampling method and the secondary data was collected through books, articles and online sources. The sample size is 250. The dependent variables are influencing factors for global expansion of OPCs, significant hurdles in global expansion of OPCs, beneficial resources that aids in global expansion of OPCs, significant legal hurdles for global expansion of OPCs, satisfaction level of government assistance provided to OPCs and the independent variables are age, educational qualifications and business experiences. The research tools used here are the simple bar charts and complex bar charts. The author concludes that as companies significantly desire to expand their business past residential borders, comprehending the subtleties of these obstacles is essential for both innovators and business owners, as it brightens approaches for browsing the international company landscape successfully.

Keyword : Expansion hurdles, Global expansion, One Person Company, Regulatory Frameworks.

Published in Issue
June 30, 2024
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