This research study investigates the factors that influence college students' information consumption patterns in the context of the Internet age in the Shanghai region of China. A mixed-methods approach was employed, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The study's objectives were to examine the extent of Internet age information diversity among college students and to explore the impact of this diversity on cultural confidence. The study's sample consisted of 150 college students from various backgrounds, with demographic characteristics, technological proficiency, and internet usage patterns considered as key independent variables. The research utilized surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions to collect primary data, complemented by secondary data from literature reviews and online sources. The analysis revealed that female students exhibited a higher mean information diversity score compared to their male counterparts. Furthermore, the study conducted a multiple linear regression analysis to explore the relationships between information consumption patterns and variables such as online sources, printed materials, and classroom lectures. While the analysis indicated associations between these variables and information consumption, the relationships were not statistically significant, emphasizing the complexity of this subject. The results suggested that the model explained 12% of the variance in information consumption patterns. Although statistically significant, the model's low explanatory power raises questions about the practical significance of the relationships identified. In conclusion, this study contributes to our understanding of information consumption patterns among college students in the Internet age, shedding light on the importance of information diversity and its potential impact on cultural confidence. The findings highlight the need for further research to uncover the nuances of information consumption behaviors in the digital era.
Keyword : College students, Information consumption, Internet age, Information diversity, Cultural confidence, Shanghai
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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