

    Dr. Santhosh Kumar A.V., Dr. Neena P.C, Dr. Dinesh, Dr. Periasamy P


Employability is described as all individual factors that influence the future positioning in a given segment of the labour market. The overall quality of students graduating from universities in India and abroad have found difficulty in satisfying expectations of business and industry. They have expressed their displeasure over quality of students being produced by the higher educational institutions. Management education is failing to grasp the enormous requirement of business and industry opportunities. There has been a severe gap between industry expectations and graduate skill sets (Hard & Soft Skills). Soft skills are essentially people skills and they complement hard skills. The sole purpose and aim of business schools in India and world over is to produce graduates who are instantly employable and productive. However, there seems to be a major gap between expectations of industry and university curriculum. This gap has led to unemployment. The main purpose of this study was to compare B-school students’ and alumni perceptions about the effect of soft skills training provided by B-Schools on their employability competency with reference to Bangalore.

Keyword : Employability Competencies, Graduate Skill Sets, Management Education, Soft Skills, Alumni

Published in Issue
June 30, 2024
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