Digital Marketing has emerged as one of the greatest tools of marketing in the modern world. Not only it has brought down the marketing expenses through its efficiency but has also helped the entrepreneurs in engaging with the customers more effectively. It also helps in collecting and analysing the data on customers behaviour so that the entrepreneurs can make more efficient strategies for attainment of their business goals. (Sheoliha et al 2023). Various studies have been done on use of Digital marketing by entrepreneurs. However, the utilisation of Digital marketing options by rural micro entrepreneurs of India is still a field to be explored. Purpose of study: Presented study aims at Identifying the factors effecting the adoption of Digital Marketing by micro entrepreneurs of rural South Odisha. Methodology used: The study employes the combination of UTAUT and TOE model. It is done based on the primary data collected from 386 respondents from the region. The data is then subjected to Exploratory factor analysis for factor extraction and regression analysis for hypothesis testing. Outcome: The outcome of the study suggests that the factors like Performance expectancy, Effort expectancy, Technological factors, Organisational factors, and Environmental factors impact the adoption of Digital marketing by micro entrepreneurs of rural South Odisha.
Keyword : Digital marketing, micro entrepreneurs, rural entrepreneurs, rural micro entrepreneurs, rural micro entrepreneurs of India, South Odisha.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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