

    1 Lisha Joseph & 2 Dr Ramya Thiyagarajan


The study investigates the challenges and impacts of the gig economy on college students in Ernakulam, Kerala State. With the rise of digital platforms offering flexible job opportunities, many students are engaging in gig work to support their education and lifestyle. This study aims to understand the socio-economic effects of gig work on students, assessing both the benefits and challenges they encounter. The objectives of the study was used to analyze the participation of college students in the gig economy in Ernakulam. To assess the impact of gig work on their academic performance, financial stability, and overall well-being. A sample of 234 college students will be selected are currently engaged in gig work will be targeted for the survey. This approach will help capture diverse experiences and challenges. Survey data will be analyzed using statistical tools such as SPSS. Descriptive statistics will summarize the demographics and gig work characteristics. Inferential statistics, such as regression analysis, will explore the relationships between gig work and academic performance, financial stability, and well-being. Through a mixed-method approach, including surveys and interviews with college students engaged in gig work, this research provides a comprehensive analysis of how the gig economy influences their academic performance, financial stability, and overall well-being.

Keyword : Challenges, Gig Economy.

Published in Issue
June 14, 2024
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