The research conducted aims to analyze and determine the factors of company characteristics that can affect the prediction of corporate distress during economic fluctuations with an empirical study of non-financial service companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 1998 - 2019. The type of research conducted is quantitative research where the object of research is non-financial service companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with a sample of 66 companies. research using panel data with panel data regression analysis. The findings of this study reveal that in predicting corporate distress, which is influenced by company characteristics, to determine the condition of the company whether it experiences corporate distress or not, calculations are carried out with the Zmijewsky model and with panel data estimation to determine the effect of company characteristics consisting of company experience, number of workers, number of share ownership and type of ownership and company size. From the results obtained during the economic downturn, the influential characteristic is the number of workers, while during economic growth or recovery, the influential characteristics of the company are company experience and company size.
Keyword : Company Characteristics, Corporate distress, economic turmoil.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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