This study aims to examine the stress levels of nurses in Asian nations, comprehend the coping strategies they use, and evaluate the efficacy of stress management programs. By combining bibliometric analysis with a systematic literature review and a mixed-methods approach, the study reveals a significant prevalence of stress among nurses in Asian nations, which is attributed to a complex interplay of intrinsic and extrinsic causes. Nurses use various coping strategies, including self-care routines, mindfulness exercises, and social support. According to the systematic literature review, stress management techniques such as technology-based solutions, mindfulness training, and cognitive-behavioral techniques have the potential to lower stress levels among Asian nurses. These findings highlight the significance of individualized stress management approaches that take into account environmental and cultural characteristics, with digital technology that incorporates cognitive-behavioral components emerging as a feasible intervention route. This study underscores the pressing need to address nursing stress in Asian nations and advances our understanding of nursing stress across national, cultural, and geographic barriers.
Keyword : nursing stress, coping mechanisms, stress management interventions, Asian countries, mindfulness, healthcare workforce, cultural factors.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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