

    Manisha, Dr Nisha Chanana


Emotional intelligence is crucial for teachers because it enables them to form close relationships with their students, recognize each one of their unique requirements, and provide the right kind of assistance organizational citizenship behavior supports teachers in creating a welcoming learning environment for their students. The emphasis of organizational citizenship behavior is on actions that promote an organization's health, in this example, the classroom Due to the significant influence teachers have on the lives of their students, research into the impact of Emotional intelligence on teachers' organizational citizenship behavior is crucial. Further, the chief aim of a teacher is to improve the performance of its students which is bound to affect the teacher’s own professional life and conduct. In order to determine how the impact relation of Emotional intelligence on organizational citizenship behavior is influenced by student achievement, it is imperative to assess the mediating impact of student performance. It was found that Emotional intelligence has a significant impact on organizational citizenship behavior both in absence and presence of student performance as a mediator. It was also found that it was found that student performance does acts as a mediator wherein it plays a partial mediating role. At the end, the research has discussed the limitations of the present research and future scope.

Keyword : Emotional intelligence, organizational citizenship behaviour, Student performance, mediating variable

Published in Issue
May 30, 2024
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