

    Thendralarasi R.


This study delves into the multifaceted challenges encountered in the recognition of trade unions across diverse industries and global contexts. Through a comprehensive examination of legal frameworks, employer attitudes, workforce demographics, and evolving labor dynamics, it uncovers the complex landscape within which trade unions operate. Recognition of trade unions is the backbone of the collective bargaining. Though there is government’s states policy to encourage trade unions, there is no central legislation. Drawing on empirical evidence and case studies, the research illuminates the barriers that hinder union recognition and offers insights into potential strategies for overcoming these obstacles. By navigating this terrain, the study contributes to a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding trade union recognition and advocates for the advancement of workers' rights worldwide. In this study the researcher attempts to give a clear picture about the need for compulsory recognition of trade union, the rights and privileges which will be obtained by the union on its recognition and stresses on the “One industry and One union” concept.

Keyword : Trade unions, Recognition, Labor rights, Legal frameworks, Employer resistance, Workforce diversity.

Published in Issue
May 25, 2024
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