

    Megha Balu, Dr Bharati Makhijani, Dr Bhavana Jangale


The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has introduced the Unified Payment Interface (UPI), which is considered to be one of the most innovative digital payment solutions. UPI enables users to make transactions quickly, conveniently, and cost-effectively. This research paper focuses on the factors that influence students' adoption of UPI. The study examines social influence, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, service trust, and risks. As students are digital natives, it is essential to understand their perception of UPI. The study collected data from students who are already using UPI. A structured, closed-ended questionnaire was used to gather responses from students, and the data was analysed using correlation and ANOVA. The study concluded that there is a significant correlation between social influence, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, service trust, and the adoption of UPI among students. However, the risk factor did not have any significant effect on students' adoption of UPI. The study's findings offer valuable insights to UPI service providers, financial institutions, and policymakers to develop strategies that can help increase the adoption of UPI among young in the country.

Keyword : UPI adoption, Digital Payments, student perception, Mumbai City, Financial Technology.

Published in Issue
August 27, 2024
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