The study investigates the impact of “Green Human Resource Management (GHRM)” practices on job satisfaction and “green employee engagement” in the education sector, focusing on specific practices like eco-friendly workplace programs and environmental training. The study employs a quantitative research methodology, collecting primary data through structured questionnaires given to professors and teachers from different Indian educational institutions. A simple random sample procedure is used, with 408 valid responses evaluated. Four hypotheses are explored, which demonstrate substantial links between “Green Human Resource Management (GHRM)” practices and employee outcomes. Regression analysis supports hypothesis H1, demonstrating that “Green Human Resource Management (GHRM)” practices positively impact “employee job satisfaction” (F = 4.737, p < 0.05). Hypothesis H2 is supported, with “Green Human Resource Management (GHRM)” practices significantly predicting “green employee engagement” (F = 5.437, p < 0.05). Green HRM practices improve with environmental training and eco-friendly workplace efforts (F = 4.718, p < 0.05), supporting Hypothesis H3. Furthermore, ANOVA results show that employees' perceptions of “Green Human Resource Management (GHRM”) practices vary across different types of educational institutions. The findings give actionable insights for educational institutions to strengthen “Green Human Resource Management (GHRM)” practices, which foster “employee engagement”, work satisfaction, and environmental sustainability.
Keyword : Human Resource Management; Green Human Resource Management; Green Job Satisfaction; Green Employee Engagement; Environmental Training; Eco-Friendly Workplace
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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