Capturing the targeted group's attention towards website content is critical. Most website visitors glance at the first page of search engine results pages (SERPs) and will stay a few seconds on a webpage before determining what to do next. As the Internet drives businesses to promote their products and services online, achieving a website's first-page position on SERPs is becoming more popular among digital marketers. Achieving the first page ranking of a web page can increase conversions and sales income. The answer to overcoming these odds is good website content writing and ranking on the first page of a SERP. Excellently optimized content captures the reader's attention and rises to the top of search results, which is required for a webpage's success. This research is an empirical study of content optimization for a digital downloadable product website. This research aims to develop a strategy for optimizing a website's content to boost online exposure and ranking in several search engines (Google, Yahoo, and Bing) for a specific keyword. In this article, content optimization is done by developing a blog web page and achieving first-page ranking on different search engines.
Keyword : content optimization, digital marketing, search engine optimization, website optimization.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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