

    Dr. Reema.P.M, Dr. Chinnu Joseph


Migration has become a day to day reality in India. Kerala is witnessing a large influx of migrant workers from different parts of the country in recent years. They have become an integral part of the industrial arena of Kerala especially in the iron and steel industry. The factors like better employment opportunities, better living conditions and higher wages have prompted them to migrate to Kerala. Kerala's educational system has expanded substantially over the years in response to societal demand. Demographic transition, high literacy rate, better education and lack of professional and skilled jobs had forced Keralites to look for higher wages and better prospects outside the state and abroad. This trend has led to a decline in the availability of workforce in Kerala, especially in the unskilled job market. The present focuses on identifying the reason for recruiting migrant workers in steel manufacturing companies and identifying the HR strategies for employing migrant workers. The study was conducted in the steel manufacturing companies in Kerala. This is a qualitative study used semi- structured questionnaire to identify the HR strategies from the respondents. The respondents was HR managers of the company. Thematic analysis was utilised to evaluate the interview data. The study found that there were

Keyword : Migrant workers, HR strategies, Non statutory and statutory HR strategies

Published in Issue
October 13, 2024
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