

    Meet Saxena*, Dr. Ruchi Khanna


The purpose of this paper is to assess the mediating role of Task-Related Green Behavior on Green Recruitment & Selection, Green Performance Management in banks employing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Therefore, the paper sought to establish how these GHRM practices impact on employees’ environmentally sustainable behavior. The hypothesis that Green Recruitment & Selection influences Task-Related Green Behavior was partially supported; this finding underscores that, simply recruiting environmentally friendly employees does not improve Task-Related Organisational Green Behaviour. On the other hand, a significant support for the hypothesis that, Green Performance Management has a significant relationship with Task-Related Green Behavior was established. This implies that implementation of performance management systems that are based on sustainable aspects leads to change of employee behaviour to green practices. Thus, the current research stresses on timeliness of environment criteria in performance management rather than giving emphasis to recruitment only. The findings showed that integrating green objectives with performance assessments will increase green culture within banks and improve their environmental performance and thus, banks’ sustainability initiatives. The future research must address the research gaps examining the GHRM’s consequences in a range of sectors to get insights into its efficiency for enhancing performance and improving the GHRM practices.

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October 03, 2024
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