Emotional intelligence refers to the capacity to recognize, utilize, comprehend, regulate, and deal with emotions. It is by no means new in psychology or academic research circles to explore and even measure emotional intelligence (EI). There is already a substantial amount of research and a wide range of studies available to define, explain, and explore the characteristics of emotional intelligence (EI) as well as how it can be used and assessed effectively. The value of emotional intelligence is growing in many spheres of our lives. It is absolutely true that a person's grasp of emotions informs every choice they make in life. However, in the current environment, everyone is too busy to take the time to reflect on their true feelings toward others and one. Many are not even aware that the element of enjoyment that is added to life is their level of emotional intelligence. Along with discussing numerous ideas and perspectives on emotional intelligence, the study also covers the development of emotional intelligence measures (Ability, Trait & Mixed). The study offers a summary of the various conceptions of emotional intelligence as well as a set of suggestions for researchers and practitioners regarding the best ways to test EI for various applications.
Keyword : Emotional Intelligence, Psychometric Construct, Emotional Facilitation, Traits.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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