This study examines how customer loyalty is affected by technology-driven Customer Relationship Management (CRM) initiatives in star-rated hotels in the Tricity area, which includes Chandigarh, Panchkula, and Mohali. Through the use of structured questionnaires and a quantitative research methodology, information was gathered from visitors staying at different star categories of hotels. Digital reservation experience, personalised guest experience, enhanced in-room technology and services, effective communication and multichannel interaction, intelligent automation with chatbots and messaging services, guest feedback integration and continuous improvement are the six key factors related to technology-driven CRM initiatives that were identified by the study. The constructs' internal consistency was validated by reliability analysis, and hypothesis testing showed that the majority of the constructs had a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction. The study's conclusions highlight the value of technology-driven CRM programmes in improving visitor experiences and loyalty. They also recommend that hotel management give priority to investing in digital platforms, individualised services, and integrated guest feedback. Future studies could look at new patterns in the hospitality industry's adoption of technology.
Keyword : Customer Loyalty, Technology-driven CRM initiatives, Star Category Hotels, Tricity Region, Hospitality Industry.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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