Employer branding has emerged as a crucial component of war for talent practices in contemporary organizational contexts. In today's competitive labor market, where skilled professionals have abundant options, employer branding plays a pivotal role in shaping perceptions of organizational culture, values, and attractiveness as an employer. Employer branding not only facilitates the attraction of top talent but also contributes to employee retention and engagement by fostering a sense of belonging, purpose, and alignment with organizational values. Through employer branding initiatives, organizations can differentiate themselves in the talent marketplace, cultivate a positive employer brand image, and create compelling narratives that resonate with current and prospective employees. This study tries to examine the role of employer brand on war for talent practices in IT Sector in Kochi, Kerala, India. By examining the interplay between employer branding and war for talent practices, this article aims to provide insights into the mechanisms through which organizations can leverage their employer brand to attract, retain, and engage top talent in a competitive and dynamic labor market landscape.
Keyword : Employer Brand, War for Talent practices, IT Sector, Kerala.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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