

    1Deepak, 2Dr. Devender Kumar


Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have revolutionized healthcare by enabling real-time monitoring of patient vital signs, tracking hospital equipment, and improving patient care. However, traditional WSNs often suffer from limited range, high latency, and energy consumption, making them unsuitable for hospital environments. To address these limitations, we propose a novel Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol that integrates Zigbee and Wi-Fi technologies to create a seamless and efficient WSN in hospitals. Our protocol, dubbed "HospiNet," leverages the strengths of both technologies to provide a robust and scalable WSN architecture. The protocol uses Zigbee's low-power consumption and low-data-rate capabilities to manage patient monitoring devices, while Wi-Fi's high-speed and long-range capabilities are used for data transmission to the hospital's central server. This hybrid approach enables HospiNet to balance energy efficiency, reliability, and data transfer rates. Our simulation results demonstrate significant improvements in network throughput, latency, and energy consumption compared to traditional WSNs using a single technology. We also evaluate the performance of HospiNet in various hospital scenarios, including patient monitoring, room temperature control, and asset tracking. The proposed MAC protocol is designed to be flexible, scalable, and adaptable to different hospital environments. Its integration with existing hospital infrastructure minimizes the need for new hardware installations, reducing deployment costs and complexity. Our solution has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by providing a reliable, efficient, and cost-effective WSN solution for hospitals worldwide.

Keyword : Wireless Sensor Networks, Healthcare, Hospital Environments, Zigbee, Wi-Fi Integration, Medium Access Control (MAC) Protocol

Published in Issue
September 11, 2024
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