This research identifies the impact of employer branding in campus placement decisions of students. With more or less increasing competition amongst companies to attract bright talents, the role of employer branding has become significant in shaping the perception and choice of students during campus placements. Additionally, the study probes into how employer brand is rated by students as a prime factor in choosing their prospective employer and what elements make an employer brand attractive. The study analyzed the branding strategies that influence student preference and provided an overview of how organizations can improve their employer brand to attract the best talent during campus recruitment. It seeks to establish what aspect of employer branding was most appealing to students and how such aspects work in making choices during recruitment drives. This study, therefore, investigates various branding strategies and their effectiveness and hence tries to provide constructive insight to organizations on how to refine their employer brand, ensuring they stand out in the competitive landscape of campus placements. This research will look into the relationship between employer branding and student preferences, using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Students from different institutions will be surveyed and interviewed to understand the perception they have of employer brands, as well as factors that influence the making of choices. Additionally, organizations with notable employer brands will have case studies done to look at best practices in effective strategies for campus recruitment. The expected outcomes of this research will include in-depth insights on the dimensions of an employer brand that influence an employer to be attractive to students and, practically useful recommendations for companies as to how to improve their campus recruitment efforts. In particular, this study contributes to the wider debate on talent acquisition and employer branding by offering insights into the dynamics of campus placements changing in the modern workforce.
Keyword : Employer Branding, Campus Placements, Student Perception, Recruitment Strategies, Talent Acquisition, Brand Attractiveness, and Employer Reputation.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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