The optimal hyperparameters issue is a critical issue in the field of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques developing, with the traditional strategies are mostly a waste of time and not efficient. In this context, the emergence of generative AI presents a promising opportunity to automate and enhance the hyperparameter optimization process. This research paper delves into the role of generative AI in optimizing hyperparameters for strategy-making, focusing on its potential impact on decision-making processes.The applicability of generative AI techniques in the area of strategy search space definition is explored in this study. Moreover, it delves into whether the generative AI adds an additional advantage for strategies over those traditional methods. Finally, this study also examines the capability of generative AI to improve the interpretability of strategy models.Through a combination of theoretical analysis and empirical assessment across numerous datasets and complexities, these studies will benchmark generative AI techniques in opposition to established optimization techniques using key metrics which include method performance, computational performance, and robustness. Ultimately, this paper seeks to make contributions to the continued discourse on the transformative capacity of generative AI in optimizing hyperparameters for strategic decisions-making.
Keyword : Hyperparameter optimization, Machine learning (ML), Artificial intelligence (AI), Generative AI, Strategy-making, Decision-making processes,Strategy search space definition, Traditional optimization methods.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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