The researchers took this study, whether it is the best way of reaching the consumers especially the home maker who are the decision maker in the majority times of their family. Because they have been identified as the best decision makers when comes purchasing a product that durable, convenience, comfortable for everyone, fit to budget and utilized by all in the family (Dr.K.K.Ramachandran, 2011). In earlier days the home makers or any members of the family stuck with the advertisement in the Television, Radio (AM and FM frequencies) or magazines including the newspapers. But the social media at present, paves the way that many brands or non-brands reach the consumers and shares the idea about the products or services and they required to add in their family (Micheal Solomon 2017). Initially this was a behemoth task for the sellers because the number of subscribers pertinent to the home makers were less. But now a days the count has been increased to huge and marvelous changes happens in the consumers’ decisions. The social media becomes a remarkable catalyzer there (M.Saravanan, 2016). Because media like TV and other sources as mentioned earlier have been accessed only in the stipulated time. But the access of social media occupies the customized time according to the consumers (Dr.K.K.Ramachandran. 2011). And of course, the home makers in the present eon has the liberty to access the gadgets which showcase the social media classification to them. And this also gives witness when they have asked more questions by the remaining family members about the product and services which they are willing to bring to their home (Peter Ling, 2019).
Keyword : Home makers, decision making, Products or services, Social Media, Purchasing convenience
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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