

    Dr Sunita Kumar, Dr. Sridharan. A,


A luxury brand translates to high-quality craftsmanship, exclusivity and heritage. fashion brands and most do not have shops in India but retail through e-commerce. Brands that want to be luxury brands need to have a strong identity and give their customers a great in-store experience. Many brands have trouble doing this online because it's hard to replicate the feeling of being in a store. Part of the luxury appeal is being exclusive and not accessible to everyone, and online shopping is the opposite. Moreover, current online retailing cannot reflect other factors affecting the luxury appeal and image. The Indian luxury market is an emerging market for global luxury This study thus researches if Indian consumers accept luxury fashion retailing through e-commerce, especially in the metro cities. Whether they get the similar feelings associated with an in-store experience whether they get the luxury appeals, and what factors contribute to the incongruency between online retailing of luxury fashion brands and the in-store experience. This study also researches which of these factors is most prominent so that future retailers can find optimal solutions using technological advancements.

Keyword : Luxury Brand, heritage, fashion, consumer experience

Published in Issue
August 27, 2024
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