Both researchers and industry professionals are starting to take notice of the growing trend of sustainable human resource management practices in companies. Improved productivity, employee engagement, and the company's reputation are just a few of the results that may be achieved by implementing sustainable HRM practices. A genuine and reliable tool is needed since the literature on sustainable HRM is vast, complicated, and covers a lot of ground. In light of Sustainable HRM's major role, this study seeks to measure the degree to which the healthcare industry has incorporated sustainable HRM by creating an instrument for assessing sustainable human resource management. The first step in conducting psychometric testing on a newly developed scale is to determine its CVR. Currently, 452 healthcare professionals from both public and private institutions in Hyderabad were surveyed for the research. A validated instrument is used to examine the variables in the research. The data was analyzed using metrics such as Content Validity Ratio, Reliability analysis, Common Method Variance, Descriptive statistics, and Independent t-test. The study's results demonstrated that the tool is appropriate for investigating hospitals' sustainable human resource management methods. Sustainable staffing (SS), sustainable training and development (STD), sustainable performance evaluation (SPE), sustainable compensation (SC), and sustainable diversity management (SDM) all vary significantly in how they are integrated. Sustainable work-life balance (SWLB) and sustainable occupational health and safety (SOH) practices revealed no significant difference in the healthcare industry, according to the research. Sustainable human resource management techniques are an important part of sustainable development, and this research adds to our understanding of the notion and how to interpret it. This study's instrument has great potential to become a reliable tool for evaluating HRM strategies that are sustainable across all economic sectors. Our goal is to help those in charge of the healthcare industry put these strategies into action and persuade others to do the same so that everyone may benefit from the long-term results.
Keyword : SustainV F;’able Performance Evaluation; Sustainable Training and Development; Sustainable Work-Life Balance Content Validity Ratio; Healthcare Sector; Sustainable Human Resource Management.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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