

    Irawan Wisnu Kuncoro*, Soetarno Joyoatmojo, Munawir Yusuf, and Dewi Kusuma Wardhani


The purpose of the Vocational High School is to prepare students to enter the world of work. This research has the aim of optimizing entrepreneurship skills in online business learning. This study aims to optimize the implementation of online business learning. This research is a qualitative study of phenomenology. Data collection techniques using interviews and literature studies by collecting various articles, books, and documenting the topic of their own perception in online learning. Data collected is grouped and analyzed to get a conclusion. To ensure the authenticity of the simulated business environment, the implementation of individual roles must be closely related to all business decisions through adequate communication and coordination of decision making, which must be based on related theories. Online learning on entrepreneurship by the teacher focuses on preparation, implementation, learning model and learning principles.

Keyword : Entrepreneurial skills, business simulations, entrepreneurship education

Published in Issue
March 15, 2023
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