

    1Muh. Waskito Ardhi, 2Sunardi , 3Asrowi, 4Herry Widyastono


The dimension of shared values and vision has an important role in building and creating a professional learning community (PLC) in schools. Shared values and vision are needed to ensure that teachers can work together in a collaborative and meaningful way. The purpose of this research is to explore PLC on the dimensions of shared values and vision in special program-based elementary schools. The research approach used qualitative with the case study method. The data sources in this study were 20 teachers in 4 special program elementary schools in Boyolali, Central Java. Data collection used semi-structured interviews based on 4 sub dimensions of shared values and vision dimensions. The data in this study were analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. The results of the study showed that the teacher community in schools was able to build activities for teachers, students, and parents of students which were activities in the dimensions of shared values and vision. This illustrates the existence of PLCs in elementary schools with special programs on the characteristics or dimensions of shared values and vision. The construction of PLC activities from the dimensions of shared values and vision in special program elementary schools can be seen from the findings of 7 themes, namely (1) the atmosphere of togetherness (2) the form of togetherness (3) the atmosphere of the relationship between teachers and parents of students (4) forms of collaboration (5) learning atmosphere (6) learning activities (7) values and norms in learning.

Keyword : exploration, professional learning community, shared values and vision, teacher, thematic analysis, elementary school.

Published in Issue
March 15, 2023
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