

    Mahak Dhebar1, Tushar Sahu2, Aarya Soni3, Gaurav Dewangan4 and Neha Choithramani5


An impulse purchase, also known as a motivation buy, is a simple purchase in which the decision to purchase an item is made only a moment before the actual purchase is made and is not pre-planned. Online retailers are in a unique position because they can reach out to customers at any time through content, email, show promotions, and web-based social networking. Web-based life is one of the most important factors that a retailer can use to influence customers and increase purchasing motivation. Customers can now explore items, name, and reprimand them in level with measure, and the sky is the limit from there. According to research on the use of social media, it tends to influence, if not alter, human perceptions when purchasing, and frequent targeted marketing on these platforms has also influenced consumer purchasing behaviour. This paper evaluated the topic of Social Media Marketing using a rigorous systematic literature review and critically examines the effect on consumer behaviour, particularly impulse buying. As a result, many organisations today have pages on interpersonal organisations to supplement the data held about items, held by buyer input about items and have a tendency to relate more to an organisation after perusing various surveys. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of social media marketing factors and their impact on impulse purchasing behaviour.

Keyword : Social media, Impulse purchase, Consumer behaviour, Marketing, Purchasing.

Published in Issue
February 28, 2023
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