

    Purushottam Kumar Singh1, Ambey Kumari2, Saloni agrawal 3, Subhra Miri 4 and Neha Choithramani5


The use of Colours as a tool to attract the attention of consumers has been a well-established practice in the field of marketing for a considerable period of time. It is widely recognized that Colour has a significant impact on consumer decision-making, and it can evoke emotions, create associations, and impact brand perception. This is because Colour plays a critical role in creating an impactful first impression and can quickly capture the attention of potential customers. As such, companies have been leveraging the power of Colour to influence consumer behavior and drive sales. By understanding the psychological effects of different Colours, marketers can create products and packaging that resonate with their target audience and drive engagement. This paper delves into the role of Colour in influencing consumer buying behavior, exploring how different Colours are associated with different emotions, how they impact brand perception, and how they can be effectively used in marketing strategies to drive sales. The sample size of the study was 197 respondents. The data analysis was performed with the help of t-test and mean.

Keyword : Role of colour, colour impact on buying, Consumer buying

Published in Issue
February 28, 2023
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