The study has two purposes. First, to analyze the determinants of financial behavior and its impact on the financial well-being of career women. The determinants are lifestyle and self-efficacy. The primary data was collected from career women living in five big cities in East Java Province of Indonesia: Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Malang, Madiun and Tuban, accumulating the total respondents of 231 selected using a purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling supported by SmartPLS 4.0. Data were analyzed first to test the causal impact of the determinants on financial behavior; the second was to test the roles mediating the role of knowledge, status and income on the cause of financial behavior on financial well-being. This study confirms that the better self-efficacy the career women have in their finance, the better their financial management behavior they have. Referring to the lifestyle level, the lower the career women have, the better financial management behavior they have. The role of financial behavior also showed promising results where the better the financial management behavior the career women have, the better their financial well-being they hold. Referring to the mediation roles, Financial management behavior is mediating the effects of self-efficacy and lifestyle on the career women’s financial well-being. At the same time, the role of moderators showed that financial literacy and income do not make the effects of financial management behavior on financial well-being stronger or weaker.
Keyword : Self-Efficacy, Lifestyle, Financial Behavior, Financial Well-being, Income, Financial Literacy
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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