

    Dr. Yaseen Othman Abdullah


This study aims to identify The Role of Digital transformation in the Transition to the Knowledge Economy in Iraq, Egypt and South Korea, the study relies on the inductive approach, which is based on collecting and analyzing data and information, by forming the theoretical framework for the study and collecting related scientific material from primary and secondary sources. The study also used the standard method to reach the results of the study, by following the ARDEL model to test the relationship between variables, as well as the error correction model was used to find out the type of relationship between variables in the long and short term using the E-Views program. Study finding concluded that Work on the use of modern methods in the field of digital transformation and the use of modern technologies in the field of transition to the knowledge economy in Iraq , also Paying attention to studying the experiences that countries have undertaken in the field of digital transformation and how to achieve a knowledge economy, especially the experiences of Egypt and South Korea, and to benefit from the methods they used to overcome the challenges and difficulties they faced in this field.

Keyword : Digital transformation - Transition - Knowledge Economy – Iraq - Egypt - South Korea

Published in Issue
February 10, 2023
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