

    Dr. Pankaj Tripathi*, Dr. Vivek Kumar Shahi**, Dr. Govind Singh *** Alok Pratap Singh****, Dr. Manjeet Mishra*****


Objective: This study aimed to examine the relationship between job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational productivity. Further, the objective study was to investigate organizational commitment as a mediator between job satisfaction and organizational productivity. Method: The sample consisted of 266 employees at the manufacturing company in Gurgaon, India. The age range was from 25 to 52 years. Data was collected through questionnaires that tapped information regarding demographics-gender, age, and designation; organizational commitment (9 items, Bozeman and Perrew’s (2001), job satisfaction, (5 items, Camman, Fichman, Jenkins, and Flesh (1984), and organizational productivity (5 items, Spreitzer and Mishra (1999). Responses were obtained on a five-point scale ranging ‘strongly disagree’ (1) to ‘strongly agree’ (5). Results: SPSS 26 is used for statistical analysis. In the first step, according to the results of the data tables, analyses are done to determine the descriptive statistics. In the second step, correlation analysis was done. In the last step, testing mediation with the PROCESS macro (Hayes, 2013a,2013b). Results showed that job satisfaction and organizational commitment showed a positive and significant relationship. It also revealed that organizational commitment and job satisfaction also showed a positive and significant relationship with Organizational productivity and organizational commitment significantly mediates the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational productivity.

Keyword : Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, organizational productivity

Published in Issue
January 30, 2023
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