

    Md. Mohammed Muneerali Thottoli, Md. Aminul Islam*, Marniati, Shamsuddin Ahamad, Md. Sharif Hassan


This paper aims to explore, is e-learning standardize accounting students’ employability competency among students from Universities in Oman using a qualitative approach. A semi-structured interview survey by applying purposive sampling techniques was employed to choose target respondents. This technique was employed to select students who are currently studying from Universities in Oman through e-learning mode. Only accounting major students were included in the sample size depending on their proficiency in accounting acquired through blended e-learning mode. The main findings of this paper show that e-learning standardizes accounting students’ employability competency among students in Oman. It is evidenced that the innovative use of information technology tools for e-learning both by teachers and students enhanced accounting students’ academic performance, perceptions, and practical skills in an e-learning environment. Thus, the e-learning approach is believed as a powerful technology-integrated teaching design in accounting courses.At present, as a precautionary measure of Covid-19 universities are conducting online teaching. Hence e-learning has considered a massive potential in Oman. The current study might be beneficial for the higher educational institutions in Oman and similar emerging countries in identifying accounting students’ competency in e-learning by using advanced information technology for career development.This research study contributes to finding the fundamental aspects of e-learning self-centered innovative application of technology tools by teachers and learning practically by using such tools in accounting courses by students at universities in Oman.

Keyword : e-learning, accounting students, employability skills, university, information technology tools, Oman

Published in Issue
January 11, 2023
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