The study aims to investigate the relationship between organization’s sustainability efforts (economic, environmental and social sustainability efforts) and work engagement via eudemonic happiness as a mediator. Data for the study was collected from managers working in the manufacturing sector using snowball sampling. Data analysis was carried out using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling. Findings from the study suggested that eudemonic happiness mediates the relationship between organization’s environmental, social sustainability efforts and work engagement. While organization’s economic sustainability efforts impact work engagement directly. Further, importance-performance map analysis was conducted to examine the importance and performance of each of the preceding construct in shaping the target construct (eudemonic happiness and work engagement). It was observed that environmental sustainability efforts play a significant role in shaping both the target constructs namely, eudemonic happiness and work engagement. The economic sustainability efforts are perceived to be not so important in shaping the target constructs and their performance too is a matter of concern.
Keyword : Eudemonic happiness, work engagement, economic sustainability, environmental sustainability and social sustainability
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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