

    Dr. (Ms.) Tarannum Mohan


Change in logo is a vital feature in phenomenon of redesign of logo. Such transformation can be carried out by adaptation in colour, design or font style. The purpose of this article is to investigate the impact of changes made in logo on consumer perceptions of curiosity and scepticism by conducting three studies. Study 1 involved investigating this relationship with change in only colour of logo by using case of Godrej company. The results indicated that presence of similar colour of red in both old and new logo resulted in creating doubts regarding the aim of change in logo. Study 2 used redesign exercise of Hero Motocorp which launched its new logo with modifications in font and design. New design of logo exuded feelings of being unforgettable and gentle resulting in formation of curiosity among customers of Hero products. Font of both logos was also found to reflect similar feelings without creating distinctiveness. Lastly, in study 3 impact of change in colour, font and design of logo was studied by examining rebranding of Airtel. All the three elements of new logo were found to be favourable among new generation consumers and created perception of curiosity among them.

Keyword : Rebranding, Logo, Colour, Design, Font

Published in Issue
January 25, 2023
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