Servant Leadership has a central role in organizational and group life. Changes in the organizational environment that are increasingly complex and competitive, require every organization and company to be more responsive in order to be able to survive and continue to develop. Organizational Commitment is no less important, because an organizational commitment shows a person's effort in identifying his involvement in a part of the organization. This study aimed to determine and analyze the influence of servant leadership and Organizational Commitment on the job satisfaction of employees of PT. Putra Inti Cemerlang. This research was conducted to study the relationship between variables in the population, through data on the relationship between variables in the sample. This research is a quantitative study, with multiple regression models. The statistical test of this study used SPSS 23. The results obtained were that there was an influence either partially or jointly between servant leadership and organizational Commitment to job satisfaction. Future research is expected to add other independent variables or add moderator and intervening variables.
Keyword : Servant Leadership, Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction
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