

    Rekha Kanodia 1 & Prof. (Dr) Pradeep Kumar Varshney 2


It is still amazing how several studies, including classic and contemporary research, show remarkable trends of long-term expansion and growth in companies with female managers or leaders, suggesting that there may be a direct relationship between gender and inherited effective traits for effective leadership. Women are more likely to be found in middle management positions today than they were more than a decade ago, but top positions are still less accessible for most of them although many studies have already established that women have somehow inherited qualities of soft skills useful for leadership roles. Accordingly, the question arises whether gender has a direct effect on the leadership position of a person. This paper conducts an exploratory study to shed light on the various factors that influence the actual behaviour and performance of women in top positions. In addition, the paper attempts to examine the real barriers that prevent women from achieving leadership positions in organisations. The data is collected with the help of a structured questionnaire distributed to an appropriate sample of Employees across the board and with a random sampling approach. The paper looks at identifying the attitudes and behavior of Women leaders and traits responsible for their growth and success. The paper also explores potential causes of the glass ceiling, discrimination, and bias against women in leadership positions.

Keyword : Leadership, Behavior, Women, Gender

Published in Issue
January 11, 2023
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