The Tourism Industry of India is considered as one of the key drivers of development among the services sector in India. It also generates employment besides being a significant spring of foreign exchange earnings of our country. The purpose of the study is to examine the effect of Covid- 19 in the tourism industry. Tourists are over whelmed by Pandemic situation. The coronavirus has paralyzed the tourism sector in a vivid manner. The study mainly focuses on Financial Performance, GDP and the relationship between income and tourism. The study is based on secondary data obtained through books, journals, magazines, reports and published research articles. Covid -19 pandemic situation has adversely affected the tourism sector in India. It has led to uncertainty and messy conditions in the tourism sector. This paper also attempts to know about the important of tourism sector in our economy and to understand the reason of unstable situation of this service sector.
Keyword : Tourism Industry, Foreign Exchange earnings, Pandemic situation.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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