In the 21st Century terrorism has become a major worldwide problem. The September 11 incident of the world commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated suicide attacks carried out by Al-Qaeda against the United States on Tuesday, September in 2001.And another attack which took place on 7 July,2005 in London which is commonly known as 7/7 attack . These two attacks are the ugliest manifestation of terrorism. Once the Barack Obama ,the former president of USA said that no religion is answerable for terrorism only the person who are involve in those violent activities are responsible. This article intends to discuss about terrorism and its features, factors responsible for the emergence of terrorism, and some suggestion in order to prevent terrorism.
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1.Deka parag, Contemporary political Issues and Ideologies”, kalyani publications,Rajinder Nagar, Ludhiana-141008 2.Anand Hrisabh, “Terrorism :A Threat to Global Peace and Stability”, International Journal of Law Management and Humanities”. 3.https;//www.un.org/en/chronicle/article/securing-our-future-decade-counter-terrorism-strategies 4. Newspaper, Journals and number of Articles related to the topic.