In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the development of precise and reliable prediction models for evaluating student performance. The prediction of student grades holds great significance in educational institutions as it facilitates the identification of students facing difficulties, improvement of teaching methodologies, and implementation of targeted interventions. It is an essential task in education that empowers educators to recognize academically struggling students and offer them tailored support. Nevertheless, accurately predicting grades can be a challenging task due to the intricate and imbalanced nature of educational datasets. Fortunately, recent advancements in machine learning offer promising solutions to address this challenge, such as the utilization of the Multiclass Student Grade Prediction System employing SMOTE. The Multiclass Student Grade Prediction System incorporates SMOTE, a technique that balances the dataset by increasing the least represented data modules, thereby enhancing the accuracy of the model. This system has been developed through a comprehensive review of relevant literature, a detailed explanation of the methodology employed, the presentation of evaluation results, and a discussion on the implications of these findings for improving academic outcomes in educational institutions. By predicting the final grades of students across multiple classes, the proposed model aims to provide educators with a comprehensive and automated solution, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and enhance academic outcomes. Our generated results demonstrate that the Multiclass Student Grade Prediction System, employing SMOTE, outperforms other traditional methods in predicting student grades across multiple classes. Implementation of this system in educational institutions can significantly assist teachers in identifying academically struggling students, ultimately leading to improved academic outcomes. An Ensemble of Three Classifiers, referred to as ETCs, is introduced as a method for predicting student performance. This approach combines three classifiers: Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier, and Decision Tree (DT). The outcomes of the experiment demonstrate that the proposed method is compared to different algorithms used in classifiers, including DT, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), ANFIS, and SVM.
Keyword : Multiclass prediction model, SMOTE, imbalanced datasets, and grade prediction, Ensemble of Three Classifiers(ETC), Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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