The importance of lease contracts has increased now through the leasing of many economic units of the basic assets in its activity as one of the sources of financing. The financial reporting standard IFRS16 was the last of these standards issued, and one of the most important objectives of this standard are to improve the quality of financial reporting for economic units. Applying the rent standard IFRS16 on the quality of financial reporting. The researcher selected some external auditors who work in major auditing companies in Iraq, where 180 questionnaires were distributed to some auditors working in those companies to seek their views on the impact of applying International Financial Reporting Standard No. (16) In improving the quality of financial reporting in joint stock companies Iraqi.60 answers were obtained, and this number is considered the same as the exploratory field study. This study concluded that the application of the rent standard IFRS16 significantly affects the quality of financial reporting.
Keyword : IFRS16 Rental Standard, Quality of Financial Reporting, Iraqi Joint Stock Companies.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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