

    Akbar Hariputra1*, Djoko Koestiono2, Abdul Wahib Muhaimin3, Syafrial4


Companies that want to be competitive should focus on knowledge by outlining how learning is given to experts and new people to create new knowledge to improve company performance jointly. One key innovation that is often applied to help all production and marketing processes in companies improve company performance is information technology. This study aims to analyze the mediation of knowledge sharing in the relationship between information technology and small and medium-sized industries (SMEs) performance. The sample of this study was 160 SMIs that had a turnover of 300 million – >2.5 billion and had at least ten employees at the management level. The results of this study show that knowledge sharing mediates the relationship between information technology and the performance of SMEs. Developing the concept of sharing knowledge between employees can accelerate the information technology process to improve company performance more effectively and efficiently.

Keyword : Information Technology, Innovation, Effective

Published in Issue
June 19, 2023
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