This study posits to explain the tourists behaviour after visiting tourist destinations and how satisfaction can encourage tourists to advocate for others through digital devices and social media. This study uses the theory of consumer behaviour, Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), and Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) as the grand theory. Focus on empirical researches of tourist consumer behaviour, where tourist satisfaction is proven to be able to influence tourists to make repeat visits and recommend to others. Digital advocacy triggered also by the rapid development of information technology, which the emergence of many social interaction applications in the form of social media that are widely used by the public. This study demonstrates that the focus on direct recommendations in the form of Word of Mouth (WOM) and Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM), but that more in-depth suggestions in the form of Advocacy are not addressed. It's a proactive defence and promotion based on favourable word-of-mouth recommendations. Pleading, supporting, and recommending are all aspects of behavioural defence. Advocacy can also include word-of-mouth referrals to family, friends, and other social networks. This study provides discussion regarding this gap by involving the Digital Advocacy Behaviour as an in-depth recommendation through tourist social media.
Keyword : Digital Advocacy Behavior, Tourists Consumer Behavior, Tourist Satisfaction
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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